The Mantra For Warding Off The Evil Eye?

Evil Eye

The ‘evil eye’ or ‘Buri Nazar’ is a popular belief among the Indians cutting the barriers of religion.

If someone looks at your success begrudgingly, he is sure to inflict an evil eye. In essence, there is unanticipated turn of hostile events in your life which disturbs the daily routine. It starts differing in a degree that you start to lose hope failing to find out any reasonable explanation.

The elderly people always have their quick-fix answers to the evil eye. What’s more, they could even single out the person who might have cast the Buri Nazar by merely analyzing their body language. Here under discussed are some common indications that there may have been an evil eye:

The symptoms that you fell prey to an evil eye:

  • The victim starts feeling squeamish suddenly or has a diarrhea.
  • Both the nursing mothers and livestock are dehydrated leaving the child and the calf bereft of milk.
  • The victim has high blood pressure or an itchy eye.
  • The victim slides down in the pit of depression.
  • You have bad or souring milk more often.
  • Your business runs back to back losses.
  • Expenses ratchet up without prior indication in both the home and office
  • Impotency in men and infertility in women are escalated
  • A loosening marital bond with periodic fights.
  • Nothing seems to work for the victim and he is a hostage to failures.
  • In a common belief, the babies when meted out with an evil eye, start crying incessantly without reason followed by excruciating stomach turn and pain.

Remedies and Mantra for warding off the evil eye:

Pa-kua mirror or the six sided mirror is the most well thought of solution to evil eye in China. They hang it in the entrance of their houses to refract the negative energies. In the Indian context, precisely in Hinduism, we take refuge to the archaic and venerated Mantras for curing an evil eye. Read on below to know the Mantra:

This is a powerful Shiva mantra that surely removes the evil eye regardless of gender and age. Religious chanting of this mantra dismisses the evil eye, black magic or even bad spirits dwelling on your property.

“Shiva Namah

Aum Tham

Nasi Masi “

Chant this mantra facing the East direction for at least hundred and eight times a Japa Mala on Mondays or Pradosha days such as monthly Shivaratri days. One mustn’t chant this mantra every day. You can also offer Vilva leaves and Lotus flowers coupled with pure milk, fruits and Panchamrutam to Lord Shiva to accentuate the effectiveness of the Mantra.

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