Characteristic traits of a Gemini you need to know before dating

  • on April 5, 2017

Gemini loves to delve deep in exploring human diversities because they are under constant watch of Mercury. This planet impacts their intelligence and thought patterns thus making them intuitive, logical, and spontaneous. While dating a Gemini, you may feel you are dating two people at the same time. It is because they have two distinct facets of their characters known as the ‘twins’. To tell you, they are two distinct personalities in one. They are always curious, creative, witty and not easily deciphered.



Overall personality of a Gemini:

Gemini is one such cerebral sign who practices duality. They flail the cobweb of mundane and float their mind in the parallel universe. They like reading, experimenting and creating. Furthermore, a Gemini is innately restless and easily bored. Their flippant nature makes them appear less interested leading to utmost discomfiture of the lover. However, the only silver lining is that they love to stay amused so dating them feels like one heck of a rollercoaster experience.


Find out more nuances about a Gemini’s character below:


  • They are social butterflies: Gemini can embrace the entire world as their home. They like meeting people from all walks of life and impress them with their oratory. While one day they let their hair down and party, the other days they are just couch potatoes devouring Game of Thrones.


  • They are flirtatious: Being at the center of attraction is their forte so have a wandering eye. They will move heaven and earth to impress the opposite sex with intellectual flirting. Nevertheless, they are faithful lovers intrinsically.


  • Talkative: The air element makes them inquisitive and argumentative. The eloquent debaters are unapologetic chatterboxes by default.


  • Creative tribe: Turn to a Gemini for interior decoration or party ideas. They will make professionals run for their money. Expect most romantic surprises if your lover is from this zodiac sign.


  • Royal ditchers: Due to incessant mood swings, a Gemini can pull a royal ditch on your dinner plan at the eleventh hour.


  • Impulsive buyers: Gemini has a soft corner for fashion and as you already know, it is money exhausting.


  • Nosy people: They like to keep the gossip mills churning triggered by the profound curiosity.


  • Temperamental and crazy: The ardent lovers are temperamental in the same vein. But calming down in a jiffy is also their thing.


  • Conflicted personality: You can expect an extremely graceful person out of a Gemini but fiercely unruly in the other second. Good thing is, the enriched logical bent of mind never let them go overboard.


  • Care eristic: A Gemini is a high-thinker and leaves no stone unturned to achieve their career goals. On the other side, they succumb to bottomless depression if failed to do so.


Must Read- From Being Arrogant To Impulsive, Find Out Your NEGATIVE Trait Based On Your Zodiac Sign!

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